Speech by the executive director of the Hellenic Sinology Center Dr. Elena Avramidou (I.U. UNESCO Chair) at the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum in Crete

Posted: 10-08-2024 14:52 | Views: 847

"Nikos Kazantzakis and Lu Xun: Convergences and divergences" was the topic of the speech of the executive director/coordinator of the Hellenic Center for Sinology and member of the Steering Committee of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage of the Ionian University, Dr. Elena Avramidou at the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum in Myrtia, Crete, on June 19, 2024, during the unveiling ceremony of the sculptural composition "Dialogue of Souls Lu Xun and Kazantzakis". The work is by the well-known Chinese artist Wu Weishan, donated by the Lu Xun Museum of Shaoxing, the hometown of the Chinese author.

Lu Xun is the founder of modern Chinese literature, the "Gorky of China", as Kazantzakis calls him in "Travelling Japan-China". The two Museums with their collaboration aim to promote the work of the two authors and Greek-Chinese friendship.

The speech was followed by a concert with works by Greek and Chinese composers by Katerina Hatzinikolaou (violin) and Apostolos Palios (piano).

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