COMFUCIUS PLATO Sage-king and Philosopher-King: Presentation of the new book by Dr. Elena Avramidou, exec. director of the HSC

Posted: 03-02-2025 00:00 | Views: 245

This study is part of the author's work produced during her many years of service, both as a diplomat at the Greek Embassy in Beijing and later as a professor at Peking University. Her contact with the country and the people and her acquaintance with a completely different culture and way of thinking aroused her interest and the desire to approach Chinese thought better and beyond exoticisms. ...

... The book CONFUCIUS PLATO examines the political and ethical theory that the two thinkers developed by anchoring power to knowledge, ethics and education. They thus propose a model of political governance, which differs from the old political paradigm as it introduces new parameters for the way of governance. The core of the political system they propose is, respectively, the "wise-king" and the "philosopher-king". The book also offers a more general picture of Chinese and Greek civilization, their points of convergence and divergence, while discussing the reasons that led the two peoples to different paths of spiritual development. ...

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